Improvement of Income and Employment situation for MSME

Sequa gGmbH.
Business Area:
Entrepreneurship, Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET).
Project Description:

The IHK of Munich and Upper Bavaria organized the 5-days CEFE course for TVET teachers of public colleges in Georgia. The introduction of CEFE training had the purpose to introduce new instruments and tools for teaching and training entrepreneurship. The overarching goal is to give impulses for the innovation of teaching methods in the Georgian public education system. The 5-days CEFE course was adapted to these circumstances. The training course was not a full Training of Trainers, rather a awareness workshop on participative learning approach. In addition to this, the CI team was requested by the IHK to assess the entrepreneurial personal skills of the teachers.

Services provided:

For the Chamber of Commerce in Munich and Upper Bavaria, CI together with its Chilean partner has conducted a five-days training course on entrepreneurship for TVET teachers in Georgia. The training was used to assess the entrepreneurial spirit and competence of the teachers. This included the following services: Preparation and adaptation of a 5-day CEFE-based Entrepreneurial training combined with an assessment for TVET teachers in Georgia / Conduction of a tailor-made CEFE Course by a highly qualified and experienced CEFE Master Trainer supported by an assistant trainer for a group consisting of 20 female participants (teachers in TVET schools) / Evaluation of entrepreneurial competences of participants / Submission of a comprehensive final training report including the detailed evaluation of participants’ performance and suggestions for future actions.

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