Economic Development and Rural Development in deprived areas

12/2015 – 03/2019 (Phase 1)
04/2019 – 03/2021 (Phase 2)
Business Area:
Private sector development, Rural development, Business Skills and Peace and conflict.
Project Description:
The Economic Development and Rural Development in deprived areas in Morocco focuses on the field of economic stabilization to improve the economic performance of local economic actors in the pilot provinces Midelt, Ouarzazate, Tata, Tinghir and Zagora to increate institutional conditions for economic development. Within a consortium with AFCi, CI is in charge of implementing Human Capacity Development on entrepreneurship, covering new training of 17 nucleus counsellors and training of consultant. They will roll-out services to develop entrepreneurship and accelerates small business growth in six rural provinces in Southeast Morocco.
Services provided:

CEFE International provided a range of business-related advocacy and advisory services and trainings for organizational development of local training and development institutions, chambers and associations to create institutional conditions for the development of local approaches to economic development in the selected provinces. This includes facilitating access to existing funding opportunities and increase of value and access to new markets / development and structuring needs related consultancy services / promote better cooperation and coordination of the existing chambers and educational institutions, training of local consultants with focus on women / documentation and guidelines on the processes of local economic development including formulation of strategy for knowledge management and documentation of projects method.

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