Tom Buehler​


2017 was a year that changed my life, though I didn’t realize it at the time. During my bachelor studies in Finance and Control, I had the chance to specialize in International Development and work on a project in Nepal. This opened a new world for me and led me to my current career and life path. After specializing, writing my bachelor thesis, and subsequent work for Kindernothilfe, as well as completing a Master’s degree in International Development Studies at the most renowned university in Thailand, the next fundamental decision was made: applying for a dual-internship at Madiba Consult and CEFE International.

Starting project work for the Manager Training Programme, I quickly got introduced to other work areas and became a permanent employee at CEFE International. A company that fascinated me at first glance, particularly due to the incredible passion and engagement of its team members, its innovative management, and the CEFE method itself.

Over the years, my focus on general management of the company, organizational development, and technical skills in the field of BDS for MSMEs and start-ups became more and more elaborated. Since 2024, I am one of the managing directors of CEFE International and could not be more proud to be part of our team.

My motto:

'' Enjoy life ''

Why am I at CEFE International?

To learn and exchange knowledge worldwide, and having a job which feels like a passion and not a duty.

What am I doing when I'm not at work?

Cooking, traveling, exploring new cultures, and listening to music.

If I could, I would...

Travel even more.

The most fascinating country I have been to...


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